Sistema de seguidores de posición solar o “trackers” que giran 104º a lo largo de 12 horas para un mayor aprovechamiento del sol.

Group Created with Sketch.

Módulos de 144 células de 445/450 Watts

28 Created with Sketch. 28 i n v e r so r es de 3.8 MW c/u
Group 3 Created with Sketch. 268,200 paneles de 445/450 Wp
Pimero en el país co Created with Sketch. Pimero en el país con sistema de seguidores solares

Mayor central de energía fotovoltaica de las Antillas

Group 2 Created with Sketch.
240,000 MWh producci Created with Sketch.
Municipio de Yaguate,provincia San Cristóbal
Superficie 220 hectáreas
Área 40% mayor a la del Jardín Botánico Nacional
Group 4 Copy Created with Sketch.
10 KM Línea de trans Created with Sketch.
Group 4 Created with Sketch.
USD 100 millones Inv Created with Sketch.
400 mil barriles Aho Created with Sketch.
150,000 ton CO2 Se e Created with Sketch. CO 2
Mayor central de energía
fotovoltaica de las Antillas
240,000 MWh producci Created with Sketch.
Group 2 Created with Sketch.
50% incremento capac Created with Sketch.
Municipio de Yaguate,provincia San Cristóbal
Área 40% mayor a la del Jardín Botánico Nacional
distanc Created with Sketch. Superficie 220 hectáreas
USD 100 millones Inv Created with Sketch.
400 mil barriles Aho Created with Sketch.
150,000 ton CO2 Se e Created with Sketch. CO 2
highlight-1 Created with Sketch. 28
highlight-2 Created with Sketch. 268,200
highlight-3 Created with Sketch.
highlight-4 Created with Sketch.
highlight-5 Created with Sketch.